

作者:hbjdf 日期:2015-06-19 浏览:2043次


School bus engine daily maintenance of seven points






Preventive maintenance start from daily observation of the diesel engine and its system, check the "four", "three leakage".




Before starting of diesel engine, check the engine oil, coolant oil liquid surface and fault indicator lamp, etc.




Check whether there is loose or damaged parts, especially the fuel and the intake and exhaust system



检查皮带是否磨损或损坏 检查柴油机是否有任何变化

Check the belt for wear or damage to check if there is any change of diesel engine



检查故障灯是否正常 检查是否有泄漏

Check whether the trouble light normally check for leaks




Note: the engine clean, can only use compressed air to blow clean, avoid is used a liquid washing.


Check the air intake system




Check the air intake hose for cracks or perforation, clip is loose, if you have found that should tighten or replace, make sure not leak air intake system, otherwise it will cause engine damage.




Air filter maintenance




The engine must be equipped with air filter under the condition of use, such as air filter indicator alarm, should be clean or replac the air filter element.






Check the drive belt




Check for crack adhesive tape, such as longitudinal and transverse cracks, or material peeling phenomenon such as wear of belt, adhesive tape should be replaced.




The biggest span in measuring the deflection on the tape. Maximum deflection should not be greater than 13 mm.




Belt tensioning force measuring instrument, if any, is available in tape maximum span measuring the tension, the tension limit is 360 ~ 490 n.


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replac the coolant filter




Vehicles stopped running, such as cooling fluid temperature below 50? C, can remove the radiator cap with water.




Before change the coolant filter shut in and out of the water shut off valve, in order to prevent the hot coolant spray hurt!




Remove the coolant filter and clean filtration seat sealing surface.




First filter sealing surface of the rubber washer with a thin layer of engine oil, coolant filter installation, torque to 24 + / - 2 n. m




After the installation, be sure to open the coolant filter in and out of the water shut off valve, mount radiator cover with water again.






Check whether the trouble light is normal




In diesel engine downtime, key in the "ON" position, if the fault diagnosis of the light, then fault diagnosis lamp work normal, otherwise, you need to repair them. If the starting or operation of the diesel engine fault diagnosis lamp should go out, otherwise, is the electronic control system has a fault. Should contact related personnel for repair as soon as possible.






Check whether there is leakage engine




Visual engine surface and combining with the surface of liquid leak, if there is leakage must be repair. Sealing ring can be slightly damp. By listening and smelling, besmear soap method such as the joint check piping for leakage phenomenon, the HP3 or HP4 pump still troubleshooting tools available to detect the leak refer to part 4 "the use of engine diagnostic software".





中冷器的检查 用肉眼检查中冷器进出气室是否有裂缝、穿孔或其它损坏。 检查中冷器管子、散热片以及焊缝是否有开裂、脱焊以及其它的损坏。 如果发现机油或垃圾进入中冷器,必须拆下中冷器进行清洗。清洗过程中不允许使用带腐蚀性的清洁剂。

Knowing the check by visual inspection and mid-cooling device in the unit in and out of the air chamber for cracks, holes or other damage. Check cold weld pipe, heat sink, and whether there are cracks, welding and other damage. If you find oil or waste into cold, must remove the cold wash. Do not allow the use of corrosive cleaning process of detergent.



检查扭振减振器 检查扭振减振器内圈和外圈刻线是否移动,若两刻线错位大于1.6mm,应更换该减振器

Check torsional vibration damper check torsional vibration damper of inner ring and outer ring groove is mobile, if two scribed line displacement is greater than 1.6 mm, should replac the shock absorber


If found to have fragmented falls out of rubber or rubber ring below metal surface distance is greater than 3.2 mm, should replac the shock absorber.

如果减振器内圈对于外圈有向前移动的现象,应更换该减振器。 冷却系统的维护 为确保发动机冷却和防腐效果,冷却系统必须定期清洗相关零部件。 打开散热器和发动机冷却水泵上的放水阀,放尽冷却液。

If the shock absorber inner ring for outer ring has the phenomenon of moving forward, should replac the shock absorber. Cooling system maintenance to ensure that the engine cooling and anti-corrosion effect, the cooling system must be regularly clean related spare parts. Open the water drain valve on the radiator and engine cooling water pump, put the cooling fluid.



将碳酸钠清洗液注满发动机冷却系统。 起动发动机在冷却液温度大于80?C情况下运行5分钟。停车并排尽清洗剂。向冷却系统注满清水,注意这时不要装新的冷却水滤清器。

The sodium carbonate cleaning fluid fill the engine cooling system. Starting in the engine cooling fluid temperature greater than 80? C run for 5 minutes. Stop do cleaner side by side. Note fresh water to the cooling system, pay attention to at this moment not to install a new cooling water filter.




Starting in the engine cooling fluid temperature greater than 80? C run for 5 minutes.

停车并排尽冷却水。 在灌注冷却液期间,必须将冷却水腔中的空气排出,慢慢地注入冷却液,以防产生气阻,须等2至3分钟让空气能充分地排出,冷却液应灌注到散热器的加水口或液面检查口的底部。

Stop all cooling water side by side. During the infusion liquid coolant must will discharge the air in the cooling water cavity, inject coolant slowly, to prevent produced gas resistance, must wait 2 to 3 minutes to fully discharge air, coolant should be perfusion to the radiator filler or liquid level check the bottom of the mouth.




Note: must not be allowed without additive only water as coolant, engine due to corrosion caused this serious accident.


Packed the radiator filler pressure cover, starting the engine running until the water temperature up to 80? C, after check the cooling system for leakage phenomenon.


Coolant temperature down to 50 parking after stay? C, open the radiator filler pressure cover, review the cooling liquid level,

更换机油和机油滤清器 推荐更换周期如下表。 用 途 机油和机油滤清器更换周期

replac the engine oil and oil filter recommended replacement cycle in the following table. Used engine oil and oil filter replacement cycles

公 里 运行小时数 月 电控柴油机 10000 250 3

Male in electronically controlled diesel engine running hours month 10000, 250, 3

更换机油方法:应在机油是热的和污染物在悬浮状态时放油 柴油机冷却液温度达到60?C 时停车,拆下放油螺塞,放机油。

Oil change: should be in the oil is hot and pollutants in the suspended state oil drain diesel engine coolant temperature to 60? C when parking, break down the oil plug, oil.




Remove oil filter dirt around. Remove the screw type oil filter. Clean the filter seat o-ring seal surface.




Use clean oil filter oil is filled first lumen, again on the sealing ring sealing surface with a thin layer of clean oil. Install the oil filter.



安装放油螺塞,拧紧力矩:80N.m 上柴电控柴油机在常温环境中使用上柴电控发动机专用机油15W/40 CH-4。

Install drain plug and tighten torque: 80 n. m on the diesel electronic control diesel engine used in normal temperature environment on wood special electronic-controlled engine oil (15 w / 40 CH - 4.



用清洁的机油注入发动机标准油面高度。 起动发动机在怠速运行,并检查机油滤清器和放油螺塞处是否漏油。 停车,约等15分钟,再检查油面高度。油面应在油尺L和H之间。

With clean engine oil to standard injection engine oil surface height. Starting the engine at idle speed running, and check the oil filter and oil drain plug leaks oil. Park, about 15 minutes, and then check the oil level height. Oil level should be between the oil dipstick L and H.



更换燃油滤清器 将燃油滤清器座周围清理干净,拆下燃油滤清器并擦净滤清器座的密封表面。

replac the fuel filter will fuel filter around clean, remove the fuel filter and wipe filter seat sealing surface.




Shall fill the new clean diesel fuel filter, and clean the oil lubrication rubber sealing ring. Install the fuel filter.

排除柴油粗滤中油水分离器中的水和沉淀物 应每天排出油水 (如果有的话)中的水和沉淀物。 打开柴油粗滤下面的油水分离器底部阀门,排除水合沉淀物,然后再关紧阀门。

Eliminate diesel coarse filter to discharge water and sediment in the oil-water separator should be every day in the oil and water (if any) in the water and sediment. Open diesel coarse filter under the oil-water separator at the bottom of the valve, remove hydrate sediments, and then shut the valve.



“四位”、“三漏”和“声、色、味、形”的含义 “四位”指冷却液位、机油位、燃油位及机油压力位。

"Four", "three leakage" and "sound, color, taste, shape", "four" refers to the meaning of cooling liquid level, oil, fuel and oil pressure.



“三漏”指漏气、漏油、漏水。 “声”指发动机工作时有无常异响。“色”指发动机外部可看到的颜色;尾气的颜色等。 “味”指发动机产生的异味,如燃气中添加的嗅觉剂、电线胶皮烧焦的味道等;“形”指零部件的外形及其连接安装。

"Three leakage" refers to the air leakage, oil leakage, leakage. "Sound" refers to the engine work is sound. "Color" refers to the external can see the color of the engine; The color of the tail gas, etc. "Taste" refers to the engine produce peculiar smell, smell of agent is added such as gas, electrical, rubber burning, etc.; "Form" refers to the appearance of parts installation and connection.



“四滤”的含义及保养期; 四滤指机油滤清器、燃油滤清器、空气滤清器及冷却液过滤器。

The meaning of "four filter" phase and maintenance; Four filter oil filter, fuel filter, air filter and cooling liquid filter.



保养期: 按照使用说明书的要求以保存期和运转时间中先到者为准,在特殊恶劣环境中使用还需调整保养周期。

Warranty: in accordance with the requirements of the instruction for use with shelf life and operation shall be subject to the first time, used in the special environment still need to adjust the maintenance cycle.

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